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🦩 Do you need SEO?

Do you get overwhelmed when you hear the word SEO? Everywhere you look, someone is telling you how everybody is doing it. But do you even know what it takes? If you're feeling a little FOMO, rest assured flamigos, we got you! Like a secret society or speak easy, you need a special code to be in the know. In today's issue we're spilling the beans with our very own resident SEO extraordinaire. You want in?
This week we interviewed our flamigo and Captiva partner, Brian Loebig. Let's dive in and get SEO smart!

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
In the most basic terms, SEO is a marketing tactic that will help get your website on page 1 of Google. It optimizes your website to organically show up on search results for the top keywords that describe your business and services. With 93% of all buying decisions starting with an online search, it pays to show up on page 1. You've heard that the best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google. Trust us, you don't want to be in that graveyard. How is SEO different from SEM?
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or PPC is paid advertising to gain search visibility. You should always start with SEO, get it right, and then add SEM to complement and amplify your SEO efforts. What's the #1 action you can do to show up on Google?
In case you haven't done this, be sure to claim and fully set up your Google Business Profile (GBP) — it's the top factor to rank on Google (we'll be talking about other factors next week). Using platforms owned by Google is a good way to get your website noticed. This also helps you show up in local searches. 3 Tips to Optimize Your GBP
Name of your business: If your business' name does not include any keyword that is relevant to what you do, you can create an alternative business name or doing business as (DBA) to make it more SEO friendly and have a competitive advantage.

Get mo' reviews: The more reviews = better search results.

Business categories matter: Pick multiple categories that describe what you do. If you're not sure what to select, add GMBspy as a Google Chrome extension to see the different categories that your competitors are using and choose the ones relevant to your business. PRO TIP: You can add blog content, photos, videos, offers, ecommerce listings, and more on your GBP. Posts show up right next to your profile information and reviews in search results and maps. It's not interactive (no comments) and low maintenance.
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