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🦩 How to get more BANG for your content

You can be a high-quality content creator machine, but it's useless if no one sees or engages with your posts. What's a Content Distribution Strategy?
It's the HOW & WHERE you promote content to expand your reach, clicks, and conversions. Your content distribution has to have clear objectives and KPIs to measure, analyze, and optimize. REMEMBER: Create once, distribute foreva! Why Do You Need a Content Distribution Strategy?
Because just uploading content to your channels (e.g., social media, email, etc.) and praying someone sees it, is not enough. During the creation process be sure to decide and plan how you will distribute and share your content. When you create content that matches your target audience — speaks to their pain points and psychographic behaviors — you're increasing the chances of getting the most out of your content marketing strategy. ICYMI, check out last week's post on content strategy. There are three types of content distribution channels:

Organic are the channels you can control when and how content is published, such as website, social media profiles, blog, email newsletter, app.
Paid are the channels you pay to get a particular audience to view your content, including social media, Google search, radio, TV, bus shelters, influencers.

Earned are the third-party channels that promote or share your content for free, such as customers, journalists, bloggers.

The secret to a successful distribution strategy is how you combine these channels to increase your impact and reach. Check out the diagram below.
If you're unclear about how to get more bang for your content with a solid distribution content strategy, hit reply or click here.

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