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WOOHOO!!!!!!! The Flamingle 60 turned 2. Click on the image below to watch a quick video message and a few surprises.

Every week, for the past 2 years, we've prepared our newsletter by scouring the web, reading up on the latest marketing & branding trends, and sharing our work & life experiences with you. DYK that as a loyal reader, you get to see exclusive content that we don't post anywhere else? We like to keep it in the flamilia. We also regularly check to see who opens and clicks on our content. Inquiring minds want to know. Thank you to everyone who has shown your love by opening and reading our emails. It's the kindest thing you can do for our labor of love here! This week, we took a deeper dive into our email stats and discovered that the best-performing content are:
  1. Behind the scenes look at how we create a brand visual identity, logos, and websites for our clients

  2. Anything related to avoiding pitfalls and mistakes

  3. How to craft killer messaging

The most surprising was how much you loved our Women's History Month issues. As you may know, we love spotlighting FLAMAZING people and celebrating their success. Let's keep those "ships" going, OK?

So, what can you expect in year 3? The world of marketing and branding moves fast, so we want to continue keeping you in the know and mixing things up with more AI-powered strategies, lessons learned, AHA! moments, and video!!!!!!

ICYMI, here are the most opened emails to date.

Top 5 Most Popular Flamingle Issues
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